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Retirement Planning

More and more Australians would love to retire earlier but with uncertainty over pension eligibility and possible changes to the retirement age it's not always possible, so securing your financial future is more important than ever.


Whether it's a few years away or just around the corner it's never too late to think about retirement. Your retirement plan will be determined by your goals whether it's early retirement or semi-retirement, downsizing or maintaining the same size home, regular travel or staying close to home and family, or just putting some funds aside for the grandchildren.


Steer Wealth Management can help you put in place strategies to secure the retirement lifestyle of your choice including:

  • Developing a pre-retirement plan

  • Determining how much money you need for retirement

  • Preparing a budget for today and retirement

  • Implementing strategies to boost your savings

  • Helping you to transition into retirement

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Boost your retirement savings

Australians are retiring earlier and living longer and, depending on your goals, your existing superannuation or age pension entitlement may not be enough to sustain your lifestyle for as long as you need.


Steer Wealth Management can help you identify how much you need to live comfortably in retirement and recommend strategies to boost your retirement savings to reach that goal.


A few strategies to boost your retirement savings include:

  • Reduce fees by consolidating all your super into one fund

  • Salary sacrifice some of your before-tax salary to boost your superannuation and potentially reduce your taxable income

  • If your partner is on a low income then consider an after-tax super contribution on their behalf for a potential tax offset

  • For diversity consider investing in shares, managed funds or property.


Transition to retirement

Depending on your current age you need to be at least 55 to access your superannuation. If you're not ready to give up the stimulation of the workforce or you feel can't afford to stop working and still have the lifestyle of your choice you can transition to retirement.


There are two ways to transition to retirement:

  • Keep working full time and boost your super; salary sacrifice some additional pre-tax income for a further boost

  • Reduce your working hours and offset the drop in income by drawing down some of your super benefits


Steer Wealth Management can help you identify which transition strategy will work for you based on your retirement goals and help you put in place a transition plan to achieve those goals.


Steer Wealth Management is about people. We value relationships, both with our clients and within our dynamic team and we're trusted to provide practical real-world advice.


Our professionals work as a collective team so you benefit from their proven experience across all aspects of wealth creation, wealth protection and wealth retention.

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